The popularity of F1 has seen an upward spiral for the past few years thanks to its global reach and media coverage that has taken the world by storm.
A new study by Nielsen Sports, released recently, highlights F1’s growing popularity, particularly in Saudi Arabia and across the Middle East. According to a Nielsen Sports report, the sport’s global fanbase has surpassed 750 million, reflecting a growth of 50 million since 2021, driven by increasing interest in the Middle East.
However, the high cost of tickets has resulted in most loyal fans, especially those from the lower working class, being unable to attend the race weekends. The seven-time F1 world champion, Lewis Hamilton, has opened up on the discussion, urging the authorities to lower the prices and make the sport accessible to all types of audiences.
“The more eyeballs on this sport, it’s not a bad thing. But we always need to make sure that it’s accessible—so it’s not too far out of reach for people that work very hard for their money but cannot afford to get to the race weekend,” Hamilton said.
Mohd Faisal Hakak is a sports author from Kashmir. He likes to keep tabs on the sporting world with a keen interest in football, motorsports, NBA, and other marquee sports. He is a science graduate from Islamia College Srinagar.